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Race, Foster Care & Adoption Series: 
Course 1

Race, Foster Care & Adoption is a series of three self-paced courses designed for adoptees, former foster youth, first families, adoptive or potential adoptive parents, child welfare professionals, extended family members, community leaders, and anyone seeking to understand how racism and White Supremacy shape child welfare systems and the lives of transracial adoptees and fostered individuals. This series critically examines the systemic impact of laws, policies, and cultural narratives, as well as the lived experiences of BIPOC individuals directly affected by these systems.

About the Series
This series reevaluates the role of race and White Supremacy in transracial adoption and foster care, offering an in-depth exploration from historical and systemic perspectives to the personal stories of those impacted. It aims to build racial awareness and encourage thoughtful, informed discussions about child welfare practices and cross-racial caregiving.
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Course overview

Quick Overview

Course 1: Racial Histories and Narratives // The first course in the series delves into the often-overlooked racial history of child welfare and examines the origins of harmful practices that persist today. Through the voices and perspectives of BIPOC adoptees and former foster youth, this course evaluates racial and religious narratives that have shaped foster care and adoption.

Race, Foster Care & Adoption: Course 1 expands your understanding of racial justice by helping you navigate critical discussions about transracial adoption, foster care, and cross-race caregiving, equipping you to recognize and address the intersection of race and child welfare.

Self-paced, Online

Transformational Pathway

Bridging Gaps


Work on your time

Build your knowledge.

Understand the intersection of race and child welfare

Learn from lived experience.

Hear directly from adult adoptees




What our learners say:

I wish this course was mandatory for everyone! I know it is extremely important to surround an adoptee with people who are open to life-long processing of this information, but I feel this is also so important for everyone to think about their previous adoption narratives/biases (everyone has them regardless if they've been closely involved or not)."

Jessene W. 

Meet the Authors

Tiffany Jade Henness Transracial Adoption Educator and adoption researcher who brings her lived experienced as a domestic, transracial adoptee.
Gina Fimbel, C-MSW, is a social worker with experience working in child protective services, foster care, and a homeless shelter for women and children.